I'm really excited to finally have a pattern available for instant download! It was one of my goals for 2012 to begin to sell digital patterns and I'm so happy that the plush rubber duck got to go first. He's a cutie pie and I hope you'll love making him!
In the pattern you get step-by-step photos and detailed instructions so that you can make this softie with ease. The pattern incorporates a couple of neat construction tricks that I think you'll appreciate and maybe be inspired to use in your own pattern design work, too.
Here is a little sample of one of the photos inside:
I opted to create templates to accessorize your duck separately. I'll post them here periodically in case you want to dress up your duck for Halloween, or give him a birthday hat for a special day. You can come up with your own accessories too, of course. A Google Image search brings up some fantastic themed rubber ducks (Elvis? the Statue of Liberty? a bride and groom?). Go for it!
I opted to open a pattern shop on Craftsy. When you purchase the pattern you'll get the download instantly. I have three kids and my life can get hectic, especially in the afternoons and evenings, but you shouldn't have to wait for me and this way you won't have to. Craftsy makes it free for designers to list patterns and that is awfully nice, too. If you don't already have a Craftsy account, swing on over and get one. It's free and it only takes a minute. There is some great stuff available by some amazing designers including workshops, online classes, and lots of patterns, too.
And, after all of our discussion about cottage industry licenses, I have decided to allow people to sell the items they make from this pattern, and from future pdf patterns. I know when I sew a new toy I love the process so much that I don't want to stop at just one. I want you to feel like once you master this duck you can make many and accessorize them and then sell them at craft fairs or online. I indicate a few regulations in the pattern which include crediting me as the designer and linking back to the listing for the pattern on online sales. I think those simple rules make sense. And I made the pattern $10, which I think is reasonable for what you get.
Thank you for all of your comments and input as I work toward achieving this year's goals. I learn so much from you guys! I hope this pdf pattern is the first of many!
You might want to check with them – when I went to the main craftsy pattern page and tried searching for this by the pattern name (or plush duck or a couple other search strings) your pattern didn’t show up. But the direct link works.
Thank you! I'll get it straightened out!
Okay, it seems that it can take up to 24 hours for a new pattern to appear in searches. Thank you for pointing it out!
He is charming! My son has a soft spot for ducks so this is going to have to go on the bucket list.(http://www.threadspace.blogspot.com/2011/11/birthday-fun.html)
May i pin it?
Well done, too, and meeting your goal, and so early in the year, as well.
Sure! Thank you for asking.