I have finished the pattern for the egg that turns inside out and becomes a chick and it is now in my pattern shop on Craftsy. This toy comes together in an hour or two, uses very little fabric, and is so cool. I think you're going to really enjoy making it, and just in time for the spring!
Edited: I just added the pattern to my Etsy shop, too, because I know that is easier for some people! Thank you!
I made a cool little animated GIF to show the transformation, but sadly I'm having difficulty getting it to format just right.
Edited: I fixed it! Yay!
In case you couldn't see it properly in my last post, here is the transformation in photos:
Yet another great pattern by you that is going onto my “to buy” list 😉 Love those transformation pics – such a cute idea!!
Ok, I just had a genius idea – you should make a cute little dinosaur that can reverse back into its egg like the chick! That would be super cute! 🙂
It’s brilliant! You are TRULY outdoing yourself lately, ma’am. What is in the water down there? Sheesh.
Do you think this one would work in felt? Probably needs a bit more stretch?
Thank you! After writing my book I know have all sorts of skills (and time)! I think it might be fine in felt, actually. The hole is pretty wide. I say go for it!
Brilliant! I love the picture of the egg with just a pair of feet poking out!
Thank you! This toy is so much fun! My kids can’t keep their hands off of it.
Absolutely adorable!
I just came by because I saw these on Ravelry, and thought you just had to see them too: http://www.ravelry.com/projects/NitaBruce/goulds-emerald-hummingbirds—ghosts-of-gone-birds
Go see!
I have just bought a pattern. I will make this toy for my kids.
It is a great gift for any friend, too.
Thank you! Good luck!
So cute!!!!!!!!!