This is the final installment of my summer series, The Pattern That Changed My Life. This series began last summer when we heard stories from nine women about particular patterns (or books or workshops) that changed their creative trajectories. This summer we added 12 more. I’m fascinated by these moments of transformation in our lives…
Search Results for: "the pattern that changed my life"
The Pattern That Changed My Life: Heather Lou of Closet Case Files
Each week throughout the summer we’ll hear from a designer about a pattern or book that caused them to head in a new direction and helped form their career. It’s the pattern that changed their life. Heather Lou is a Montreal based sewing pattern designer. She writes a blog called Closet Case Files and I…
The Pattern That Changed My Life: Christa Watson
Each week throughout the summer we’ll hear from a designer about a pattern or book that caused them to head in a new direction and helped form their career. It’s the pattern that changed their life. Christa Watson is an avid reader and commenter here on While She Naps and that’s how we first connected….
The Pattern That Changed My Life: Rachel Pinheiro
Each week throughout the summer we’ll hear from a designer about a pattern or book that caused them to head in a new direction and helped form their career. It’s the pattern that changed their life. Rachel Pinheiro is a Brazilian sewist who now lives in the U.K. She began sewing in late 2009, first…
The Pattern That Changed My Life: Allie Olson of Indiesew
Each week throughout the summer we’ll hear from a designer about a pattern or book that caused them to head in a new direction and helped form their career. It’s the pattern that changed their life. Allie Olson is the co-founder of the women’s sewing community, She’s passionate about garment sewing and keeping creativity…
The Pattern That Changed My Life: Rebecca Bryan
Each week throughout the summer we’ll hear from a designer about a pattern or book that caused them to head in a new direction and helped form their career. It’s the pattern that changed their life. I first met Rebecca Bryan online when she responded to one of my newsletters in which I’d written a…
The Pattern That Changed My Life: Deanna McCool
Each week throughout the summer we’ll hear from a designer about a pattern or book that caused them to head in a new direction and helped form their career. It’s the pattern that changed their life. Over the six months or so I’ve discovered several sewists who are also writers like me and Deanna…
The Pattern That Changed My Life: Shannon Okey
Photo of Shannon Okey by Kyle Lanzer for Sun News Each week throughout the summer we’ll hear from a designer about a pattern or book that caused them to head in a new direction and helped form their career. It’s the pattern that changed their life. One of my goals at the start of 2015…
The Pattern that Changed My Life: Florence Knapp of Flossie Teacakes
Each week throughout the summer we’ll hear from a designer about a pattern or book that caused them to head in a new direction and helped form their career. It’s the pattern that changed their life. Florence Knapp is a skillful sewist, and a wonderful writer. Her blog, Flossie Teacakes, is totally delightful. Florence sews…
The Pattern that Changed My Life: Shea Henderson
Each week throughout the summer we’ll hear from a designer about a pattern or book that caused them to head in a new direction and helped form their career. It’s the pattern that changed their life. A former middle school math teacher, Shea Henderson now owns Empty Bobbin Sewing Studio, a sewing and quilt pattern…