There are a lot of final things to finish before my December manuscript deadline. Between writing and putting a million finishing touches on everything I am continuing to study four-legged toy design. I set out to design a horse. Here is the sketch. I liked the sketch and thought it was proportionally okay, but when I stuffed it things went haywire.
Legs are too short and thin, nose is too wide and long, body is too thin and way too long, butt is too big. Too many problems! I will start again with a new drawing, something smaller and hopefully in better proportion. I learn from each one, though, so I'm not going to sweat this bizarre-looking horse.
WOW! Thanks for sharing a project from the beginning stages. Your finished animals are so amazing, and I often wonder what it takes to get there! CHEERS!
Okay, he’s hilarious. This one made me laugh, so it wasn’t wasted! 😉
I think those legs look amazing – all that detail. Thanks for sharing your process.
But on the up side – he stands really well and his legs and feet have great shape.
I love your efforts on horses and rams! It’s a treat to watch everything unfold and I find it really inspirational that you share your “learning curve” animals right alongside the finished ones. Thank you!
I love seeing this! I’m inspired by so many people’s work (including yours), but I feel like nothing I make turns out how I plan it. It is nice to know that that happens to you when you try something new, too. If I just keep at it, maybe someday I will make things as well as you do. 🙂