The Artful Bird workshop at The Button Box here in Wellesley on Saturday was amazing! Six women came and we sewed birds from 10-4. We had a great time! Here is Nancy sewing her bluebird.
I brought some of my felt penguins for people to play with. My friend, Terrill, who taught with me when we were in Teach For America in the Mississippi Delta was able to make it and it was so much fun to sew with her again. When we lived together in Itta Bena, Mississippi, we used to sew and crochet and craft ourselves into a stupor every night. Hooray for crafty friends!
Here are everyone's birds, some still needing beaks or wings. Look at this colorful flock!
I haven't been away from my children from 10-4 in a long, long while and it was the longest I've been away from Josephine. Charlie brought her to me to nurse and although I was nervous about how she would do in my absence, she was awesome. And she bonded with Daddy quite a bit.
I'm ready to teach again! I remember now how much I like teaching. That was my former career, after all, and I like putting that Harvard masters degree to work. Teaching sewing is terrific fun.
Wonderful–you’ve reconnected with another piece of your creative bliss! Glad you had such a fun time! 🙂
That looks like so much fun! I wish my fabric stops would do awesome classes like yours!
I had such a wonderful time–thank you! My plan for tonight is to sew my bird’s eyes on. . .
I would have loved being a part of this class. Look at all those adorable little birds. Wouldn’t they be fabulous on a Christmas tree?