Look at me turning lemons into lemonade! I love Shelley the Snail. She's got a rainbow shell, and a pretty pink body, and look at those lashes! I even made her a best friend.
And I here's a snail joke for you:
"What did the snail say when she was riding on the turtle's back?"
I know! Hilarious.
Make your own Shelley the Snail with my PDF pattern now available for $6.50 in my Etsy shop and my Craftsy pattern store. Then tell her how much you love her. You'll be happy you did.
Angela says
Oh my goodness, that’s adorable! I was really hoping this would show up as a pattern. Also, that joke is really and truly the only joke I’ve ever been able to tell right on the first try 😉
Zakka Life says
Your snail is so cute! I’m sure this will be a popular pattern.
Stacey says
hahaha! I can never get enough snail jokes 🙂
Great pattern! Love it!
Mhairi says
Love the joke here is my favourite snail joke.
A snail went to his local mechanic and asked him to respray his car red with a big S on the side. When the mechanic asked “why an S”? The snail responded that when he was driving he wanted all the other snails to point and say “Look at that S car go!! HE HE.
Love the snail pattern, and if it is as easy as your other ones I will be buying it soon.
Thanks for sharing.
abbyjane says
Ha! That one is awesome. I'm going to go tell it to my 8-year-old. And Shelley the Snail is indeed easy to sew!