I’m working on some fleece sea creatures. This shark, with his big open mouth full of felt teeth, is the first one. Simon is in love with him. And I have to say softies sewn from fleece are so soft! I left this guy squishy so he is awfully huggable, despite his fierce appearance.
Fabulous! I love making softies from fleece too. So squishy!
He’s wonderful…love that smile:)
I have an idea shark with a face just like this. Yours is awesome!!
Ikea I meant :)darn auto correct haha
Really! That's awesome! I'll go check out their website! (And I think an idea shark is awesome!)
Check out my website
I could hug him as well!
Completely adorable!
That shark looks like he has an idea and that idean is chewing on some unsuspecing toddlers 😉
Is he going to become a pattern? My Ikea shark needs a friend 🙂
Here is a link to the Ikea shark: