We had a great time at the opening at artstream on Friday night, despite a really scary and trying drive up there through much traffic and torrential rain! It was so nice to see Susan again and to meet many women artists from blogland in person at long last. I do love the internet for connecting me with you all.
Here are some pictures from the evening:
Me and Lisa Congdon! She is just as excellent as you’ve imagined.
And Charlie meeting Lisa Solomon. The show was amazing to see in person. It was striking to see Lisa C.’s work hung in such as different way than it usually is – spread out horizontally along big wide gallery walls. And then juxtaposed with Lisa S.’s subtle and careful compositions. Wow. Well worth the stressful drive for sure.
I finished this red looped lark today
and she is currently listed in my shop, along with some older work that has just recently come back to me including one of my very favorite mixed media pieces, The City.
I’m still thinking and drawing and thinking some more about what to make for the Teeny Tiny Art Show. Hmmm.
nice to see you again abby and to meet charlie. it was great that the storm did not keep you two away.
The new lark is lovely. I can’t wait to see what you cook up for the teeny tiny art show!
You are so talented! Your birdies always cheer me up when I’m down and make a great day even better. I’m glad you take time to blog so others far away can share fun.
you gotta love these birdies!!! delightful work!
I was waiting for your show report! I’m sure it was wonderful- these blog connections are amazing things 🙂
So great to see so many inspirational ladies (you being one of the most inspirational) in one room!
I found you again! Oh my… I had been inspired by your creations and your blog years ago. And I still am. *WOW*. 🙂
The red looped lark is so cute!