Thank you so much for entering the Beasties book giveaway. The random number generator has chosen #1 and #11 as the winners. So that would be
Congratulations to you both and I hope you enjoy the book. Please email me (abbyglassenberg at comcast dot net) with your addresses and I will get them in the mail.
Things have been busy here in a way that they only are in the summer. We were in Connecticut for the weekend visiting Charlie's parent's. His father just turned 83! We spent two days at the beach swimming and playing in the sand. Charlie and I both got terribly sunburned.
My Mom came up from Maryland to visit for a few days this week. Today she and I went swimming at Walden Pond together while the kids were at camp, which was lovely. We swam way out where the water is very deep and cool.
Tomorrow is Roxanne's camp play. They are putting on The Wizard of Oz, which is perfect because she loved the book and she's seen the movie and loved that, too. The movie scared the crap out of me as a kid, but she totally wasn't scared by it at all. She is a munchkin and she's thrilled. Drama is her new love.
She is also taking a sewing class at camp and they've made some simple, hand-sewn pillows. The other day, while I was on the phone with my sister, Roxanne sat down and drew this sewing pattern. I was really impressed! Check it out…
First cut out your fabric squares.
Pin them together.
Sew around, pulling out the pins as you go.
Stuff the pillow.
Pin the opening closed and sew it closed.
I love the way she drew the threaded needle. And I love that little, three-fingered hand stuffing the pillow. And the exultant "Done!".
Whatagirl, whatamother….and good swims at the beach and pond! I think the crafting won’t skip a generation here as it often does.