I have a new pattern out today: the Flower Power Rattle. This is a soft, easy-to-hold toy with crinkly petals and a gentle rattle sound, perfect for a new baby gift. And it's a quick-sew pattern that you can make, start to finish, in under two hours.
Josephine was pretending to plant, pick, and smell the flower in our garden.
Both of my pattern testers made their Flower Power Rattles in just one evening. This toy is truly a practical and pretty baby shower gift.
You can find the Flower Power Rattle pattern in my shop now.
I've got a new and wonderful softie-making tool in my shop now, too. Stuffing forks!
This is the best tool for stuffing detailed parts of your toys and dolls. It's truly magical.
Place a tiny bit of stuffing on the pronged end of the tool then turn it several times in the same direction. The tool becomes like a long metal Q-Tip. Slide the stuffing fork into the tiniest part of your softie or doll and, viola, it's perfectly stuffed!
Having the right tools really does make a difference.
Treat yourself to a stuffing fork! You'll find them in my shop now.
Thanks, everyone, and happy sewing!