Hooray! I'm so excited to begin this make-a-long with you. Thank you to Melissa Crowe for suggesting this wonderfully evocative Emily Dickinson poem that I think is perfect for this project.
To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,
One clover, and a bee.
And revery.
The revery alone will do,
If bees are few.
Here is how I envision this make-a-long. Think about the poem, maybe do some sketching, some sifting through your art materials, some readying to create. Then, interpret the poem in fiber. Any sort of fiber art is great – crochet, knit, felt, soft sculpture, plush toy, quilt, applique, embroidery, cross stitch – whatever it is that you are enjoying right now. Make something useful like an apron, a bag, a quilt square or a pillow, or make something decorative. Keep it, sell it or give it away, but before you do, take a picture of it to post to our Flickr group.
Posting will be open any time from Monday, June 15 through Monday, July 13, 2009. Just to sweeten the deal, on Monday, July 13, I will draw a name at random from all the Flickr users who entered and if you win I'll send you this selection of vintage fabric. There is a lot of fabric here, collected over many years, and I think you'll find something you'll like.
Some come and play with me! If you have any questions or feedback for me, please email or comment here. I can't wait to see what we make.
Yay! I’m so excited! This was a GREAT idea, Abby!
you’ve got me thinking! wonderful idea! thanks for the fun.
This is simply the best idea ever!
I agree wholeheartedly with everyone else! What fun!
dear abby,
nice poem! great idea!
I hope it is not too late to participate! What a fun idea! Thanks for getting us inspired!
Oh dear, i stumbled upon this too late, only 10 days left, i will try to make something. This is the most beautiful inspiration for a make-a-lomg ive seen yet.
You’re not too late! And even if you post after the deadline, that’s okay. Thanks for participating!