A picture today of a portion of the mass of thread in my sewing box. The two wooden spools came from my grandmother’s sewing box (my father’s mother). After she died and my father went through her things he gave me her scrap bag and some of her sewing supplies. I was six then – she died on my first day of first grade. The black plastic spools are from a child’s sewing kit I was given by my aunt Phyllis for Hanukkah one year. I think I was nine then. I still have and use many spools from that kit. The others I’ve bought in the last few years or came to me via swaps. It’s weird how a simple picture of spools of thread contains so much history.
I worked up another version of the bunny but I’m still not so happy with it and my camera battery is dead so no pictures.
I had a dream last night that the doorbell rang. A delivery man was there and he handed me my baby, all wrapped up. I think rereading my Prepared Childbirth book right before bedtime might be freaking me out.
And speaking of babies, here is my brother – now a father, always a rock star.
Hello! Wow, I could have taken this picture and written this post. I have sewing supplies from my great-grandmother (mother’s grandmother) and also the same black plastic spools from a christmas gift when I was around the same age. I hold onto them because, like you said, there’s history in them. Did you have a child’s sewing machine growing up? I had (and still have) an orange Singer. I can’t wait to give it to my daughter Mia. She’s 17 months old now, so it will be a while. Anyway, this is the first time I’ve posted here. I should let you know how much I enjoy your blog. It’s wonderful.
okay, that baby is too tiny and cute for words.
okay, that baby is too tiny and cute for words.