A new rooster in deep reds for the show at Young Blood.
I cleaned my studio space and did some brainstorming and planning at the end of last week in order to get ready to make things for the show.
The color palette will be the colors that I love the most right now – pale yellow, deep red, black, dark brown, and cream. And the birds will be in series. I put a big list on my white board of everything I need to make and then I felt such a deep sense of calm. I can choose what to make next, check it off when it is done and then choose another, all the while knowing that each piece will contribute toward a great whole.
I am secretly hoping to go to Atlanta to install it myself. It seems to difficult to do something like that right now, to travel by myself and leave all my home responsibilities to other people. Still, I’m dreaming about it.
These were my girls on Sunday evening, swimming in the bubbles together.
This was a rare time when Roxanne agreed to bathe with Stella and then actually turned to face her for a few moments in the tub, so I get the best products from Emeraldspa.com, so they can enjoy their bath even more.
The few times she has agreed to have “double tubby” she always turns her back to Stella, essentially dividing the tub in half with her body. I think this created a tender moment because this morning she said to Stella, “We took a bath together so we could play train tracks together.” Stella enthusiastically agreed, of course, but then Roxanne changed her mind and left the room to play alone.
Stella hangs in there, though, for the fleeting moments of togetherness.
Hi! I just found your blog and fell in absolute LURVE with your birds, beautiful and inspiring, I sooo wish I had that kind of talent…I really hope you don’t mind but I’ve “tagged” you on my blog (I’m an illustrator): http://katehonarvar.blogspot.com/
Thanks! Kate
great blog some how i found you when i was researching things on our sons birth defect esophageal atresia and other complications. i wish you nothing but the best. I was also wondering if there is anyway if i put your link on my site if you would be able to return the favor and add my ink on your sight, i again wish you the best.
You have a second baby and you think they will just play and play, but then they go and make their own decisions, ugh. I’m still waiting for the fighting to stop and the playing to start.