Today I made a little doll from two cloth napkins. Her body is one of our white cloth napkins that we got for our wedding. It had a hole and a fray in it so it had to go in the scrap pile. I loved working with it, though, because it is this really thick wonderful material. Her dress is a vintage napkin I found at my local thrift store. I like how her hair is fur! I know, I know – she has no face. Charlie is always telling me to put faces on my dolls and I promise to put one on her when I get a bit of time this evening (Roxy is due to wake up any minute now). Does anyone else have a problem putting faces on dolls? I feel like a face really changes the way a doll looks – it sort of makes or breaks it – and that makes me insecure. In that way, I prefer to make animals because their faces are less loaded. I promise, though, this one will get a face soon.
I really like the green and white napkin material, really nice. It never occured to me to go fabric shopping in a thrift store!