I'm deep in the throes of drafting a pattern for a kangaroo. It can be a tedious process, full of hope and anticipation and then frustration when the next draft, all sewn and stuffed, is still not right. It's going to be amazing, right? Hang in there. Keep going.
I've been listening to these podcasts from the Philadelphia Free Library while I work. There are some really wonderful episodes – Lynda Barry, Cokie Robers and Wendy Wasserstein have made excellent listening so far.
A Kangaroo! That sounds fantastic. I love the great big feet on your prototypes up there. Perfectly kangarooish!
Fun to watch your process! I love kangaroos, especially the little joey! 🙂
am so in awe of your steadfast work. I am a do it now and do it once. I have NEVER thrown a project out because I didn’t like it. That means that I have to make it right and there is no room for working a pattern. I am envious of that trait. I would have so much more freedom to experiment and let go creatively. Maybe I should force myself to develop a pattern or systematically work through a solution…..?
Keep at it, you WILL get there. Not to stir the soup and complicate the issue, but joeys in pouches DO make kangaroos look really adorable. ; )