We made latkes on Sunday afternoon. I like small, crispy latkes. If you've ever made them you know that your house smells like latkes for days and days afterwards, and making latkes makes a huge mess. So I make them once, and I make a lot. Then I freeze them in dinner-sized portions in ziplock bags. We made five dinner's worth. And a huge pot of homemade applesauce.
The older girls can sing the blessings now, and know the words to Ma'oz Tzur in both Hebrew and English. It's adorable to hear their little voices singing so proudly each night.
And there's been lots of driedel playing with M&Ms and lots of chocolate gelt eating. And presents. We spread it out so they get something from a different relative or friend each night.
We made a little garland of origami driedels using plain white paper that we cut down into squares and then dot painted.
As the menorahs get new candles each night it gets prettier and prettier. We have five menorahs this year, and we put them near the window so they are visible from outside.
Wishing you a very Happy Hanukkah and a happy holiday season!
Danee Kaplan says
Happy Hanukkah! I thought I was the only house that stunk after making Latkes-I so love them though. I am not Jewish, my husband is, but we tend to do the Jewish traditions- except the Christmas tree and Santa. Ironically, my husband flies for Fed Ex so he is never home for Hanukkah and I end up slaughtering the prayers but I try none the less.
Kit Lang says
Happy Hanukkah!
Caren Adams says
Happy Hanukkah to your family! I love that you pass your faith and traditions down generation to generation. Can’t wait ’til mine are singing with me! 🙂 C
Hilltop Hausfrau says
Gorgeous. Keeping tradition and faith alive in the cozy setting of home contributes to the feelings of comfort for children, I’m quite sure. Happy New Year from Vancouver, Canada!
LauraJean says
Happy Hanukkah from Israel! Stumbled across your page when I typed “many hanukkiyas in one window” into a Google search! LOVE your dreidel garland – will do next year. We are not Jewish but living in Israel (with our two kids) while my husband is in grad school. So why more than one hanukkiya? Is there one for each member of the family? Shalom & Shana Tova!
abbyjane says
We do have one for every member of the family, but that is not at all necessary! One is enough for everyone to share. Enjoy Israel! We would really like to go back for a visit soon.