A second flying bird. Actually this is the third one. The real second one is now at Art Star in Philadelphia along with this owl and rooster pair.
If you live near Philadelphia I hope you'll stop in at Art Star. It looks like an incredible gallery and store.
As part of the show at Young Blood I'm going to make a whole series of birds flying in formation. There will be white, gull-like birds up high and then black crows taking off.
I wanted to mention, too, that I just received and incredible bag from Yorktown Road. I bought it as a gift for a good friend, but I must say it is tempting to keep it for myself. The leather is just beautiful and the workmanship and styling – oh my. One of the best things I've bought from an Etsy seller for sure.
wow wow wow speechless.xx
Really beautiful birdies! Well done. xx
Amy, I’ve just reacquainted myself with your blog after missing it for too long to admit. It’s been fascinating to look back at how your work has developed. I remember being struck by your birds when you first started and being amazed at the character and feeling they possessed – and they’ve only got better. Congratulations on your shows!