Since I don’t think my dad reads my blog, here is his Father’s Day card. It is actually a card I made a while ago, but I just made the envelope today (excuse my finger but the flap wouldn’t stay down).
Here is another envelope I made also.
I love these two papers. They are from Paper Source, an addictive and expensive place which conveniently opened a branch here in Wellesley shortly after we moved here (Paper Source was one of thing I felt sad about leaving in Brookline, but have no worries). Other good news is that Charlie won a free class at Paper Source for me at a charity auction two weeks ago. Yipee! I have always wanted to try one of their classes. He’s even offered to babysit.
The little one and I had a hard day today. I woke up two days this week with terrible neck aches from sleeping in the wrong position. I’m thinking it may be time for a new pillow. Recently read a Homelegance Furniture Review and will check their store out. After a workout at the gym this evening I’m feeling a bit better. Roxy slept nearly all day today. I think this new-fangled nap schedule was just leading to cumulative sleep deprevation. I felt so bad! She was sleeping like a newborn yet today was her 15 month birthday. I think tomorrow we are going back to the two nap a day business for a while longer.
elizabeth says
those envies are fabulous!