This one is made from some of the most delicious wool (is it cashmere?) from Mimi.
Roxy and I spent the morning doing errands. Mostly we are gathering everything we need for the arrival of her sister, the baby currently known as “S-Dawg” (although we’ve had to stop calling her that in front of Roxanne because she was starting to think we were really getting a dog soon). Yep – I am now confronting the reality that I’m going to have two in diapers. We bought size 5 Cruisers today and size N Swaddlers. Oh my.
I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday and things seem to be perking along. This baby is so active. She kicks really vigorously – it seems like more so than Roxanne did.
Plans are underway for Roxy’s post office birthday party in March. These came in the mail today
and these are on their way and I’ve been collecting boxes to wrap up in brown paper and string for the centerpiece. I know I tend to do things in advance, but knowing that I’m going to be 9 months pregnant at her birthday party makes me think perhaps this is a good idea.
Tomorrow I’m going to buy some fabric to bind Emerson’s baby quilt, plus I need more polyfil. Charlie has suggested a polyfil silo out back. Might be wise. Have a good weekend. Happy crafting.
Hehe, polyfil silo – I want one, too! 😉 Loving your sheep.
The black sheep really appeals to me. I have a friend who is in investment banking, but comes from a family of socialist educators–she calls herself the white sheep in the family. I’m definitely not the white sheep in my family, although having the first grandchild does elevate one’s status a bit. 🙂
ack!! this guy is amazing. i am always so thrilled to visit your site and see what you make.
I keep on loving the stuff you are making from the fabric! It lives on! And so completely different from what I am using it for and what my mom originally bought it for- Wonderful!
Love your sheep! So sweet!