I spent most of Friday (my 37th birthday) making this owl. I haven't made an owl in many years, but I got a special request for one and thought it might be interesting to make one again. And it was.
Looking at the pattern for this owl was like looking through an old diary from college. The handwriting was familiar and so were the thoughts, but my writing and my thinking has changed now in marked ways. Revisiting this pattern stirred in me those same awkward feelings of revisiting past expressions of self.
Seanna Lea says
I love how much personality your owl has, but even more I love that you make stuffies for the full range of ages not just the sweet little kids.
iHanna says
He is sooo beautiful. Love your pretty owls, just looking at him makes e wa na write children’s stories… Or fantasy. 🙂
Laurie Sharp says
Happy Birthday! The owl is lovely, as is your family (saw the pics on Facebook).
theaxx says
he is AWESOMENESS owlsonified!!
theaxx says
oh gosh and happy birthday too!
www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawlatPgJzHg7YZTkR5XxbKtew07cgLjyxRM says
People always focus on your owl in my dining room! Linda