I have been thinking a lot about making primitive dolls. Dolls/animals that use natural materials and that are assembled in an obvious way. I love the look of exposed seams, of visible hand-stitching, of parts of the toy being tied together, even, instead of sewn.
After I made Mayweed I knew I wanted to try again with making a lion but make him more rustic and be less timid about his design. He needed a bigger mane, a bigger head, more fibers. This less cowardly lion is made with some of the organic flannel Heather sent, some burlap from my mother-in-law’s scrap bag, jute twine, and cotton tweed from Mimi. His arms and legs are tied to his body with more jute and paws are defined the same way. More of a soft sculpture, really, than a cuddly toy (what with the itchy burlap and all), but really satisfying to make.
Charlie says he hopes this lion will be able to comfort the baby when she rolls into the bars on the side of the crib because she has no bumper because I keep making softies instead of sewing the bumper slip cover. Ugh.
A fantastic lion! (And, by the way, love that bunny a few posts back that you felt was so-so.) As for the baby bumpers… all my babies had to make do. I never did get around to those darn bumpers. I guess they just weren’t fun enough!
Love the lion, he really is very majestic. I think the visible seams look great, think he’s fab I really do!!
I think you’ve taken your work to a whole new level with this lion! He’s fantastic! I love how you used the jute to tie him up and the exposed seams are wonderful; the expression and mane are perfect too 🙂 I’m sure the bumper will get made, the thing is you just can’t rush an artist!
Such a great concept! I agree, the rustic-ness of him is completely endearing. 🙂
I adore him! And the idea of more primitive dolls is awesome. Never mind the bumper–you’re on a roll with all these wonderful animals! It’ll be months before the little one can wiggle over to the bumper anyhow! 😉
What a personality lion has! His ears, seams, paws… I can’t wait to see how revolutionary your bumper will be!
this is brilliant and i can’t wait to see what primitive pieces you come up with next!!
Wow! The lion is amazing. I’m always in awe of the stuffies you make, but I’ve got to tell you that this is by far my favorite. If you ever decide to start selling them, let me know, because he makes me happy just looking at him.
Great work. Love the legs ideas!
He’s great! I really really love him. I love the proportions, the tied arm/legs, the bits of color in the mane. Wonderful work.
What a fabulous piece – you have a fantastic asthetic!
it looks like a true ‘rag doll’. i thought i remembered dolls with rag hair… like tied, weren’t they? or maybe it’s reminding me of the way people used to curl their har by tying rags in it!