This week has been really crazy. Over the weekend I developed a seriously itchy rash all over my pregnant belly and my back. It turned out to be PUPPP. I have never been so itchy in my life and it seemed according to the dermatologist that I would have the rash until delivery, which is approximately 10 weeks away. I was so bummed, and uncomfortable, but now, miraculously, it is going away! In fact, it is almost gone! What a major relief.
Then, on Tuesday I was back at the doctor's because I tested positive for gestational diabetes. In some ways, this is not a surprise. I was borderline positive with each of my last two pregnancies and I've had trouble with controlling my blood sugar since I was a child. My mom had gestational diabetes when she was pregnant with me and she now has adult onset diabetes. Even so, I was upset because I really was hoping for a totally smooth ride and this felt like a bump in the road.
So now I'm changing my diet and testing my blood sugar. I think I can figure this out and still have an awesome third pregnancy. The baby is doing really well and I'm so happy when I think about her and who she will be.
Within all of this hectic medical craziness, I have been finding a few moments of calm to sew and relax. I am working on these little birds on branches.
Each one will be different. They are perched on sticks I found in the yard that I painted with stainless steel paint and lined with some soft downy feathers.
These will be part of what I make for Luv-able and Hug-able and Wear-able, an upcoming show at gallery hanahou in New York. I have never made wearable plush, but what a cool idea. I'm going to try to make these into combs if I can find the right combs to attach them to.
I had PUPP during my pregnancy with child #5. I wasn’t told this, however. I was told that I was “allergic” to my pregnancy. I understand what you are going through! Not fun. I did have a boy. He ended up majoring in accounting and works for a large engineering company. His was my very worse pregnancy; I had more problems than the PUPP, but none serious. I had another child nine years later. His pregnancy was the very best one I had. You just never know.
I was afraid to look PUPPP for fear I would catch it, but guess that is not possible :*) However, I am interested in the multiples angle! The more the merrier. I think you are turning the red dots around, happily. And the comb is inspire. What a hoot and the shape flows perfectly.
Abby, they seem to be sitting on soft little piles they have made for themselves. . . clearly there is some nesting going on!
Good luck with the PUPP. . . I hope it is gone for good!
I remember being put on the gestational diabetes diet with my first child and it was AWFUL! I remember sitting in the doctors office reading the list of foods I was allowed to have. When I saw brussel sprouts listed as a good choice for a snack I actually started to cry. It sounds like you have a great attitude and I love that your birds are sitting on little nests.